Dec 10, 2021
Join Lee, Mike, Roy and Shawn as they discuss local and national union news. We then interview Nick Avgerinos and Rocco Motto from Capron and Avgerinos, P.C. about work comp. We end the show with the recipe corner. Enjoy!
Nov 15, 2021
Join Lee, Mike, Roy and Shawn as they discuss Local Union news. We then interview Daniel Jones about the free college benefit through the USW and Union Plus. Enjoy
Nov 4, 2021
Join us as we talk about Local Union issues before we interview UAW Local 434 Vice President Robert Bern about their strike at Deere.
Oct 1, 2021
Join Lee, Mike, Shawn and Roy as they give a Local 105 update. They then join the IAM Local 1191 picket line at KONE in Coal Valley, Illinois for an interview.
Sep 17, 2021
Join Roy, Mike, Shawn and Lee as they discuss local and national union news. We then interview Kimberly Kavol, president of the Iowa Postal Workers Union. We finish the show with an interview about redistricting in Iowa with Secretary - Treasury of the Iowa Federation of Labor, Pete Hird.